
We need your help to Orangepill Texas! If you'd like to get involved, fill out the contact form below!

We're gonna need a TON of help... below are a few ideas for how and where you could get involved.

If you have an idea or talent outside of these suggestions, reach out and we'll see how we can fit your strengths into our overall roadmap. There's a place for everyone to help, it takes all kinds of folks!

  • The Farmer's Market Team

    Help grow Bitcoin though face-to-face connections! Meet with Texans personally at your local Farmer's Market to educate and explain the benefits of sound money.

    If you don't have a local booth yet, help us set one up in your area!

  • The Roundup Team

    Help plan the Roundup! Our annual get-together fundraiser celebration, this is an extravaganza that needs planners and organizers to facilitate and help run the event. Oct 12th-15th 2023, Help us make it a success!

  • The Texas Bitcoin Project - Let's Orange pill Texas! Orangepill

    The Billboard Team

    Get involved with our statewide display advertising campaign. Help us find land, locations, and funding for Billboards all across the state. Let's get Bitcoin in front of Texans!

  • The Event Planning Team

    There are all kinds of outreach events we haven't yet organized - game nights, tournaments, raffles, entertainment venues... volunteer to plan a local event!

  • The Merch Team

    Help us create new and exciting merch that Texans actually WANT to proudly wear. Let's turn your merch ideas into reality!

  • The Newsletter Team

    Help join the crucial team that handles regular updates and emails about our operatations. Help keep everyone up to date and on the same page!

  • The Content Creation Team

    We need a lot of content and media focused on both Bitcoin and Texas. Help us create awesome content that reaches the heart of Texans!

  • The Social Media Team

    Help manage and curate our social media presence - we need your help to spread our digital reach far and wide!

  • The Web and Tech Team

    This site doesn't run itself! Help maintain our website and tech integrations - perfect for those who like to help behind the scenes!

  • The Fundraising Team

    Help us raise funds to continue our operations! One of the most critical teams - join us if you have a passion for recruitment and fundraising!

  • The Education Team

    Someone needs to help educate everyone around here! Be a part of the core group of Texans dedicated to educating the masses on the benefits of Bitcoin.

  • Something else?

    Have something else in mind? We can probably make it work! Just reach out and we'll see if we can make it happen.

Volunteer Form - how would you most like to contribute?

Also - Signing up to Give Monthly helps immensely!